Some of our best videos.

Ed and the crew have worked their socks of- literally to make these videos for you. So sit back and enjoy them.

Building a Desktop P.C.

The construction of Edward's Beastly computer, to create several high quality videos for you. With several thrills and spills installing a CPU, Motherboard and many more. Will the P.C. function after Ed has assembled it?

Getting a new printer.

In this great installment of Techno Talks, Ed looks into setting up a new Toner printer and looks at how to use the software to control the printer.

Taking a look at a DCC sound locomotive.

In this episode, Ed inspects Roco's Re 6/6, looks at installing a figure in the cab and using the Z21 in conjunction with the built-in DCC sound decoder he looks at controlling locomotive sound from and iPhone.